Donation FAQs
What types of items do you take?
We take clothing, shoes, jewelry, accessories, books, household items, working small appliances, and more! Since we take such a wide variety of items, it's probably easier to list what we don't accept. So check out the answer to the next question!
What types of items don't you take?
We don't accept certain items. Here's the list of what we're unable to accept.
- Exercise equipment
- Large furniture (must be approved by management)
- Broken items or electrical items that don't work
- Used medical equipment
- Baby carseats
- Games that are missing pieces
- Broken toys
- Dirty or damaged clothes
Do you take electronics?
As a service to our customers, we recycle the following items.
- Computers
- Flat screen TVs
- Laptops
- Cell phones
- Digital cameras
- Copiers
- Scanners
- Keyboards
- X-Box
- PlayStations
- Any digital items
However, we do NOT take:
- Old, box-style TVs
- Monitors of any sort
If I have donations but can't bring them myself, will you pick up my donations?
Unfortunately this is not a service we're able to provide at this time.
If I'd like to give a financial donation directly to the church's work locally or in Haiti, how would I do that?
We accept cash donations for the lunch program in Haiti if you stop by the store. We're currently working on configuring this website to allow for donations to be made right here. Stay tuned!
Monday: 11 - 5, Tuesday: 11 - 5, Wednesday, 11 - 5, Thursday: 11 - 7, Friday: 11 - 5, Saturday: 8 - 4; Sunday: CLOSED
352 Andover Street (Route 114), Danvers, MA 01923